Dr. Patient


May 10, 2022

Ep 4 Doctors As Patients

"Seeing too much of the chicken" is the phrase my husband uses for those situations where you just know a little too much. That's what it's like to be a doctor-patient sometimes - you (think you) know too much for your own good. This can lead to get…

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May 10, 2022

Ep 3 Finding Humanity in the Hospital

When you're a patient in the hospital, it's especially hard to see outside of your own sphere of discomfort and fear. It's as if the experience completely takes over your mind and it's hard to think of anything else. But sometimes an opportunity ari…

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April 27, 2022

Eps 1 and 2, A Day in the Life

These first two regular episodes shed light on a day in the life of both a patient (Ep 1) and then a doctor (Ep 2). Because I fundamentally believe in the utmost significance of the doctor-patient relationship, I hope that these two episodes shed so…

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April 10, 2022

Ep 0 Trailer

It's almost here: Dr. Patient podcast. This idea has been brewing in the back of my mind for a couple of years, ever since I was diagnosed with breast cancer in September of 2020. That, combined with other health problems that I've had over recent y…

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